Jason Kenney's government has launched an inquiry into who funds groups that criticize Alberta’s oil industry.
We'll save you some time, Premier. It's us.
Let Alberta Premier Kenney know who we are and why we donate and take action to stop the Trans Mountain Pipeline and fight the climate breakdown. If we get enough, we'll send them to his office.
Showing 401 reactions
I am a person from this land since time immemorial my ancestors lived on this land. So I will not be the generation that sells it out! We take care environment, it takes care of us.
Please can you send me the address of anyone who will send me money to fight the pipeline project. So far I’m doing it for free but If there’s funding available please let me know asap.
Hydrocarbons are an obsolete technology that is killing our planet and all the life on earth is in danger of extinction.
I will continue to fight this pipeline and encourage as many people as i can to take action by donating, protesting, making calls, writing MPs, knocking on doors, whatever anyone can do to support organizations like coast protectors who are fighting for climate action.
Nice try, but we are absolutely Canadians opposing your dirty oil, just like we have been all along. If we are receiving any ‘funding from abroad’ at all, it can be a drop in the bucket compared to the international corporations investing so heavily in promoting your oily agenda. No new pipelines. No pipeline expansions. Leave our coast out of your dirty mess – you’ve already got enough of a cleanup ahead of you in Alberta!
Bronwen and Vic Brice