Is this really the legacy you want to leave our children? That instead of investing in renewable energy and lowering our carbon footprint as a country, instead of upholding Indigenous rights to consent and consultation, you bought a bitumen pipeline to support the fossil fuel industry. Shame on you.
Jan Slakov commented
2018-07-17 13:11:56 -0700
Guy Dauncey crunched the numbers and found that if the government were to spend $4.5 billion as a 25% grant for wind energy in Alberta, that investment could result in generating enough electricity to replace 75% of the electricity currently being generated by coal and gas in Alberta. It would also generate over 150,000 jobs, or 30 to 50 times as many jobs as investing in the Kinder Morgan pipeline would generate. I think Kevin Taft is right: there is an oil industry “deep state” which is pushing our governments to undermine democracy and thwart climate action.
Milan Ilnyckyj commented
2018-07-17 10:23:44 -0700
Trudeau is setting Canada up for failure. He is concealing the scale of effort necessary for Canada to live up to our domestic and international climate promises, sustaining the false belief that more fossil fuel infrastructure is justifiable. Canada cannot build any more coal, oil, or gas production and we need to be working seriously to decommission what is already in operation, providing assistance to individuals and communities as they shift to other industries and the economy decarbonizes.
Cecile Lemay commented
2018-07-16 15:05:22 -0700
Hitler the 3rd (Trump is the 2nd) will not WIN!!! We will see to it!! This proves our youth are more intelligent, loving, caring than the head of Canada!!! As said by many for countless years “Actions speak louder than words”. Think whoever originally said this was speaking of Trudeau!?! When the head of this country wants to drain our pension plans for an explosive pipeline, leaving present & future generations without their pensions to survive, leaving Elders homeless and hungry for a pipeline, how SICKDOESONEHAVE TO BE TO EVENSUGGESTSUCH A NIGHTMAREFORELDERSINCLUDINGTHESEYOUTH!?!?! Cecile Lemay (Glad I never voted for him)
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