Mother Earth Week Kickoff Event April 18


Kick off Earth Week in a good way together on April 18.

Come for a water blessing and stay to take action on the banks funding Line3 and insurers of the Trans Mountain pipeline.

Sunday April 18 

3pm Pacific time|4pm Mountain|5pm Central|6pm Eastern



Water is Life and the fight for clean water is the fight for survival as Mother Earth reacts to the violent destruction of forests, displacement of Indigenous Peoples and burning of fossil fuels.
Hear from matriarchs about reclaiming Earth Day for the Mother and how uniting the climate movement under Indigenous leadership.

We're preparing to fight for the climate like never before as US President Biden's April 22 global conference on climate kicks off a 7 month countdown to potentially the most important global conference in history, the Conference of Parties, COP 26 in November in Glasgow, Scotland. The conference on climate is expected to reflect the increasing urgency felt by state and corporate actors as the pace of climate change intensifies.



Casey Camp Horinek is Councilwoman, and Hereditary Drumkeeper of the Womens’ Scalp Dance Society of the Ponca Nation of Oklahoma and a longtime activist, environmentalist, actress, and published author.

Kukpi7 Judy Wilson is the Secretary - Treasurer of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC). Chief Wilson is chief of the Neskonlith Indian Band of the Secwepemc Nation.

Eriel Deranger is a Dënesųłiné woman (ts'ékui), member of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation and mother of two, coming from a family of Indigenous rights advocates fighting for the recognition, sovereignty and autonomy of their Indigenous lands and territory in what is now known as Treaty 8, Canada.

In 2015, Deranger worked with local Indigenous organizers to help build out the foundations of Indigenous Climate Action, becoming one of the core co-founders of the organization. She formally stepped into the role of Executive Director in July of 2017.

Prior to ICA, Deranger worked with her First Nation to build out one of the largest inter-sectional keep it in the ground campaigns: The international Indigenous Tar Sands campaign - challenging the expansion of Alberta’s Tar Sands.

Dorene Bernard is a Mom, Grandmother, Survivor, Traditionalist, Water Protector, Water Walker, Teacher, Activist & Mi'kmaq Herbalist.

Joye Braun is a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, a wife, mother and grandmother. Braun was the first camper at Standing Rock and stayed until forced eviction in February 2017 spending 10 months on the ground. She has fought hard to protect her own homelands against DAPL and the Keystone XL pipeline while supporting threats of uranium and gold mining in the Sacred Black Hills. She is a community organizer with the Indigenous Environmental Network.