Jason Kenney's government has launched an inquiry into who funds groups that criticize Alberta’s oil industry.
We'll save you some time, Premier. It's us.
Let Alberta Premier Kenney know who we are and why we donate and take action to stop the Trans Mountain Pipeline and fight the climate breakdown. If we get enough, we'll send them to his office.
Showing 401 reactions
Your children and grandchildren will look at you in sadness and disbelief. There is a climate crisis and there are people that will be able to reach their end of their life knowing they did everything they could to help save our environment for the following generations, and then there will be people like you, who will realize you made a few corporations rich at the cost of millions of people lives and so many unique ecosystems. I only wish you could see the mistakes you are making today rather than tomorrow. Your children, my children, they will thank you. But in the meantime, while you continue to promote industry for your own self-interest and interest of one province’s economy, I will do everything in my power to stop the transmountain pipeline.
Your children and grandchildren will look at you in sadness and disbelief. There is a climate crisis and there are people that will be able to reach their end of their life knowing they did everything they could to help save our environment for the following generations, and then there will be people like you, who will realize you made a few corporations rich at the cost of millions of people lives and so many unique ecosystems. I only wish you could see the mistakes you are making today rather than tomorrow. Your children, my children, they will thank you. But in the meantime, while you continue to promote industry for your own self-interest and interest of one province’s economy, I will do everything in my power to stop the transmountain pipeline.
No pipeline!
We are regular Canadians. Who are you?